When you have more than a thousand guests who are traveling for the ride, it’s a pretty good idea to provide the proper entertainment. This was well accomplished by magazines, books, movies, and other forms of diversion. But no sea trip would really be complete without a smoker while we were under way. So, for the crew and soldier guests a special show was planned.
As you can see there was a good sprinkling of soldier talent in the show, as well as the sailor entertainers.
The affair was planned as a surprise and so, from the start of the show the Chaplain gave the impression that the whole thing had fallen apart. The audience was completely deceived until Master of Ceremonies Crandall gave the secret away.
It was a good show. The acts were sharp. The best act was that of Slim Ungat, Army singer. After the musical part of the show Alaska boxers put on one of the best fight exhibitions we have ever seen on the ship.